
Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics

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A New Old Idea: Beam-Steering Reflectarrays for Efficient Sub-THz Multiuser MIMO

preprint posted on 2023-12-07

A Primer on Ray-Tracing: Shooting and Bouncing Ray Method

preprint posted on 2023-12-05

S-parameter Extrapolation for Improving Near-fmax Accuracy in 2x-thru Calibration

preprint posted on 2023-12-04

Design and Experimental Evaluation of Cascaded Metasurface Pairs

preprint posted on 2023-12-02

Enabling Intelligent Omni-Surfaces in the Polarization Domain: Principles, Implementation and Applications

preprint posted on 2023-12-02

Impedance Matching by Tuner Stubs (Single, Double and Triple) Analytical Method

preprint posted on 2023-12-02

Exploiting Vulnerabilities of ADC Registers in IoT and Control Systems

preprint posted on 2023-12-02

Compact Tunable Resonance Filters with Ultra-Broad Rejection for Silicon Photonics

preprint posted on 2023-11-22

RIS-Enhanced MIMO Channels in Urban Environments: Experimental Insights

preprint posted on 2023-11-22

Small Dual-Band 3D Beamforming MIMO Antenna

preprint posted on 2023-11-22

Review of Microwave Photonic RF Channelizers based on Optical Microcombs

preprint posted on 2023-11-21