
Oscar Saborío-Romano

Doctoral Researcher (Power, Energy and Industry Applications)

Roskilde, Denmark

Oscar Saborío-Romano received the BSc (Hons) degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Costa Rica in 2013. In 2015, he received the MSc degrees in Electrical Engineering and Wind Energy from the Delft University of Technology and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Norway, respectively, within the Electric Power Systems track of the Erasmus Mundus European Wind Energy Master. He joined the Department of Wind Energy at the Technical University of Denmark in 2016, where he is currently a doctoral researcher. His research interests include power system control and stability, grid integration of renewable energy sources, modelling and control of wind power plants, HVDC transmission, and microgrids.

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Co-workers & collaborators

Nicolaos Antonio Cutululis

Nicolaos Antonio Cutululis

Anubhav Jain

Anubhav Jain

Oscar Saborío-Romano's public data